As I sit tonight remembering it is the 5th of November, (cue "Remember, remember the fifth of November... too much? Okay....) I just finished my writing for the day.
Total thus far for NaNo 2014: 11,700 words! Going strong! Have I been Binge Writing? YES I HAVE! Due to a family wedding, sickness, etc. I didn't get started until 2 nights ago. In roughly 48 hours I have written 11,700 words. Not my best in terms of word counts per day but I'm not complaining. I'm having fun. My plot is going well and my favorite part of first draft writing has inspired me to blog one of the most important parts of what you do as a writer. HAVE FUN. That's it. It is more important than blogging, social media, or worrying about what the current "trend" is. Write what entertains you and don't worry what everyone else is doing! One of the best parts of 'Having fun' that I have experienced is the unexpected plot twists and characters I've met. Did I know I would have a sea faring captain with an enchanted ship that cares so much about marine life he would likely be a star player on Whale Wars? No, I had no clue... I also didn't realize his ship would become such a plot centric character itself... interesting how this happens. Sucks he is going to die a horrible death.... okay, I did know this part... but my main character has to be seriously messed up psychologically by the end of this story... he already is loosing most of his family before its over... their deaths will be worse than my sea captain.... Back to the topic at hand, I hope you all have glorious surprises in your plots, complete with plenty of "Whale Wars Sea Captain with Enchanted Ship" moments! Write on fellow writers! JT P.S. Here is a link to my NaNo Account if you are interested: Click Here All right! Mission accomplished! Task complete! In case you need a refresh: "I WILL complete the following prior to NaNoWriMo 2014 AKA November 1st 2014: *All line editing for Saints of Wura Book 2 *Plotting for Nano novel: "Ascent" *All editing for "Winemaker of the North" which I just received back fresh from my editor today!" DONE, DONE, and DONE! So, awaiting 11/01/14 for NaNo and the Binge Writing that I am sure will follow, I will celebrate NaNo's start tomorrow, with an awesome offer for all of you! My collection of horror tales, Raven's Requiem, will be FREE tomorrow and tomorrow only! Grab a copy and enjoy! These are very different than my fantasy novels but I'm confident you will enjoy them! Feel free to share this offer as you deem appropriate! :) So with November being filled with the creation of another novel, I will likely not be writing a new blog post until December! But be prepared for a cover reveal for Winemaker of the North is imminent! The free book is only available without charge for 11/01/2014! If you are reading this post after this date, feel free to borrow it via Kindle Owner's Lending Library or Kindle Unlimited! Follow the link above!
May 2023
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